Saturday, February 14, 2009

A step of faith

Jason Gray has quickly become one of my favorite musicians, so when I saw that he was going to be about an hour and a half from my house, I decided that I had to go see him. So, last night, that's what I did. Since he was the opening act, he only played three songs, but they were three fantastic songs. I had a great time, and my brother and I talked with him briefly afterward. It was an amazing night.

But I think that what made it the most amazing was something entirely different.

Through Jason Gray and his label mates (and my not-so-secret obsession) downhere I have heard much about the work of World Vision. And from all that I've seen and heard, I've always thought that what they're doing is great and part of me felt drawn to be a part of it, to sign up to sponsor a child. But I just told myself over and over again that I couldn't afford it. I don't have any steady income. What money I do get lasts as long as it lasts and when it's gone, it's gone. I still depend on my parents to make sure that I don't starve and that I'm able to take a bath, so how in the world would I be able to send someone money every month?

Last night, Jason talked to all of us about World Vision and all these places around the world that are far worse off than I ever am even on my worst of days. And I felt like God was saying, "Emily, you have no excuse. Sure, maybe you don't have much money, but the money's mine anyway. I'll give you whatever you need."

So I did it. I went to the World Vision table after the show and signed up to sponsor a beautiful girl. Her name is Snethemba Ladylove. Her name was what led me to choose her. There were so many faces, it was overwhelming, but I saw "Ladylove" and knew immediately that she was the one. She'll be 14 really soon in March and she lives in South Africa with her grandmother and her two sisters.

I have no idea where the money for this is going to come from every month. I'm trusting in God to make sure it's there. He is faithful and he provides.


  1. That's awesome! You'll be blessed for your obedience!

  2. YAY!!! I felt the same way when I decided to sponsor a second compassion child... I was nervous- unsure of where the money would come from- but God helped me to realize that He is our provider. There are still times when I wonder, but He has made sure every bill is paid.

    Keep trusting Him, girl!!


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