Friday, April 23, 2010

Who I am.

I was reminded of something tonight. I didn't necessarily forget it, but it was something that I hadn't taken the time to actively think about much in recent days. Which is tragic.

Jason Gray posted a blog for Sanctus Real about a song that he co-wrote for them called "I Want to Get Lost." In it he talks about the importance of finding your identity in Christ.

This is something I know like I know my name. My name is something that identifies me, and as important as I think my name is, even more important than that is firmly rooting myself in Jesus and letting him be what defines me.

A discussion on this topic started on Jason Gray's message boards, and I shared that the biggest thing that's helped me in remembering my identity in Christ is to pursue truth. And it takes a conscious effort. I started typing out that I have to stop and ask myself, especially when I'm having a particularly hard time with something, "Okay, what is true, right here, right now?," and as I typed that, I realized that I haven't done that in a while. And I've been battling so many lies.

So, right here, right now, what is true?

Jesus is true. And I am in him, he is in me.

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