Saturday, April 23, 2011

Crying, hippies, and Easter.

Let's get some business out of the way. I'm a bad blogger. And one of these days, not only will I post more, I'm actually going to make it look like something special. Moving on.

  • My chest and shoulders kind of look like a lobster.
  • It's 11:21 PM. I'm tired. And I have to be up at 5:30 in the morning. I'd ask why I'm still awake, but there would be no use. I'm awake because that's just what I do.
  • Tomorrow's Easter. I love Easter.
  • I cried this morning before 8:00 AM. I normally cry on a regular basis, but not normally before 8:00 AM.
  • If I don't cry tomorrow, I'll be flabbergasted.
  • I'm much more of a tree-hugging hippie than I let on most of the time. I like going shoeless. Even in the dirt. (Maybe especially in the dirt.) I don't ever want to shave. Trash on the ground, sometimes just trash in general, drives me up the wall. I'm cool with the idea of living in a van. At least for a while. All of the parts are there. Sans the hallucinogens.
An inconsequential list this. I think I'm just thinking through my fingers. One day I'll do more than think through my fingers. May that one day be soon. Graduation is in two weeks (!) and I feel that at that point I may get my life back. I have visions of reading, writing, making music, sewing, and making edible concoctions. I pray those visions reflect reality.


  1. A friend once called me an "earthmuffin." I asked him what that was, and he said "a hippie without the drugs." Own it! Earthmuffins are awesome. :)

    (I'm skeptical about the van part though.)

  2. Earthmuffin! Ha. I love it.

    Well, you see, I already almost live in my car a lot of the time. And a van would be more spacious. I'd have no problem taking off across the country, stopping wherever I land for the night, then picking up and starting again.


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