Thursday, March 10, 2011

Maybe in the morning....

Home. It's a good place to be.

I was away from home for 6 days this trip. That's longest I've been gone since Christmas. Saying it that way makes it seem like a long time since my last elongated period out of town, but it really isn't. We're only in early March.

Getting back to what I was saying, I'm home. I'm grateful for that. I've been looking forward to getting back and being able to take a breath for a moment.

I did feel relieved for a short time after I got home.

But soon, I started feeling more pressure than I've felt since I left my house six days ago. Rather than relaxing, overwhelming feelings are creeping in.

I know why this is. Then again I don't know why this is. It's unsettling. I need to go to bed. To go to sleep. Maybe in the morning I can think. Maybe in the morning I won't feel overwhelmed.


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