Thursday, March 24, 2011

A bit like Romans 7.

Some things (which are really all rooted in some THING) I've been noticing about myself. (The aforementioned some THING is not necessarily a new revelation to me or my blog, but the more I think about it, the more clearly I see it in all areas of my life.)

When I want to get up early, I often stay up late.
When I know I can sleep as long as I wish, I often go to bed early.

I have a fondness for recipes containing strawberries, and generally all strawberry-flavored edibles.
I have never eaten a whole, plain, unaffected strawberry. I've tried. I can't do it. I don't like them.

I can be one of the most obedient, obliging, people you will ever meet.
I have one of the strongest, and often one of the most unreasonable, "fight the power," "go against the flow" instincts I have ever seen.

At the rate I consume ketchup and various tomato sauces, they could be considered a main course.
I don't like raw tomatoes.

Give me a bowl of nuts and I will be a happy snacker.
Put them in my baked goods, and, although I will thank you for them, I will give those baked goods to someone else.

Despite improvement, public speaking is something that still makes me shake.
I'll sing in front of anyone, anytime, and I'll even dance around while I do it.

I love teaching.
I avoid even the thought of getting a job as a school teacher.

I really like to make food.
On most days, I can give or take eating without really caring either way. (So come over and let me feed you!)

I really like home. I hope to have a place of my own one day.
I can't seem to stay home for more than a month. Give me a few weeks off the road, and I'm itching to go somewhere.

I have a method for everything from eating bananas to loading forks in the dishwasher.
My room is in an almost constant state of disorder.

Monochromatic, symmetrical things give me a sense of calm when I see them, much like some people describe when they see the beach, or a bold sunset, or a bold sunset on the beach.
My room is anything but monochromatic and symmetrical.

I love people.
People make me turn into a stuttering, nervous child facing their worst nightmare.

On the whole, I don't like TV, most movies, and a lot of things in the media and popular culture.
I'm pretty handy in pop culture trivia games.

I feel like now would be an appropriate time to quote Walt Whitman.

"Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)"

1 comment:

  1. Isn't that something? I think I'm the same way about a lot of things....

    Oh and on another note. Next time you come and visit I will make sure to have lots of nuts and strawberries handy :)


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