Monday, June 28, 2010

Camp Formosa 2010

First, I have to say that I can't say everything I want to say about camp in one post. So I'm not going to try. If I do what I'm thinking in my head that I will do, I will be writing a series of posts dedicated to different topics surrounding camp on which I wish to focus, but we'll see if that happens. Now that that's out of the way....

Camp Formosa 2010 is now behind us. It was a great year. It was far better than great, I think, but just as I'm not going to attempt to say all that can be said about these last two weeks, I'm also not going to attempt to find a qualitative word for it other than "great."

Camp is an opportunity for me to see the body of Christ at work in a spectacular way every day for two weeks straight. That's one of the things I love about it most. And we, as the staff (both weeks), all seemed to be on the same page more than we have been in a long time.

I also love the great gift of relationships. Camp to me also means friends. I got to see so many people that I've known for years, whom I treasure much. And I also got to make many new friends, whom I am excited to see again and get to know more. I hope I get the chance.

During the second week, after we got to know each other a bit on the first night, I talked to my small group girls about why we have camp, what our point is in being there. Our point is Jesus, and we want to share him with others. One of his greatest characteristics is his love. And one of the greatest ways to show love to someone is to build a relationship with them, so that you are then able to speak into their lives. So that's what we do. We foster relationships at Camp Formosa, and we show Jesus to each other.

It was a great time, friends. I'm already eagerly anticipating the day it's time to do it all over again. I love you all more than I could ever effectively communicate. May God bless you in all you do, and I hope our paths cross again soon.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's that time of year again.

My one summer tradition is now close at hand.

I have been going to camp since I was a baby, prior to my ability to be able to remember ever not being there. As far as my consciousness is concerned, it's always been a part of my life.

Tomorrow begins my journey to Camp Formosa. Tomorrow night will be spent at my grandma's, then it's on the rest of the way to Formosa.

I'm ready! Then again, I'm not. I don't think one can ever be ready for camp. You just do as much as you can, then jump in and hope you can swim well enough to save your life, maybe even do something impressive. God willing.

This is my official farewell to Internetland. 'Twill be a place I will visit sparingly over the next approximately 18 days. That seems like such a short time, but I promise that when I get in the middle of the Arkansas heat and humidity and the long afternoons, it won't feel short as I'm living it. But once it's over, it'll feel short again.

Lord, focus my attention. Work through me, speak through me, sing through me, love through me. And teach me even more than I can attempt to teach anyone.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Anything I can do, you can do better.

So...I need to get this off of my chest.

My do I say friends...make me feel terrible. I love them all dearly. Really, I do. I wish I could express how much I love my friends. But they make me feel terrible.

They don't mean to do it. And I'm not angry with them. At all.

It's just that they're so talented. I seriously know a lot of impressive people. Singers, dancers, painters, artists, thinkers, writers, photographers, musicians, scientists, mathematicians, orators, actors, performers, dreamers, name it.

In all honesty, I just want to quit trying sometimes. What else can I do that can't be accomplished by all of these people surrounding me? Because I have, seemingly inevitably, surrounded myself with impressive people. Everywhere.

And I have to fight that attitude. Hard. Like I said, I think no ill of them, and I wish them all success in everything they do. It's the ill-thinking toward myself that's a problem. Self-doubt is one of the greatest, if not THE greatest, de-motivators in existence.

So, now that I've thrown this out there, I should go to bed and try to process this. Again. You know, I even have friends who sleep better than I do. What's up with that?

Disregard what's up with that, what's up with me comparing my sleeping to other people? I seem to have hit a new depth of pitifulness. Oh dear. I'm human, that's what. Maybe one day I'll learn.