Thursday, June 3, 2010

Anything I can do, you can do better.

So...I need to get this off of my chest.

My do I say friends...make me feel terrible. I love them all dearly. Really, I do. I wish I could express how much I love my friends. But they make me feel terrible.

They don't mean to do it. And I'm not angry with them. At all.

It's just that they're so talented. I seriously know a lot of impressive people. Singers, dancers, painters, artists, thinkers, writers, photographers, musicians, scientists, mathematicians, orators, actors, performers, dreamers, name it.

In all honesty, I just want to quit trying sometimes. What else can I do that can't be accomplished by all of these people surrounding me? Because I have, seemingly inevitably, surrounded myself with impressive people. Everywhere.

And I have to fight that attitude. Hard. Like I said, I think no ill of them, and I wish them all success in everything they do. It's the ill-thinking toward myself that's a problem. Self-doubt is one of the greatest, if not THE greatest, de-motivators in existence.

So, now that I've thrown this out there, I should go to bed and try to process this. Again. You know, I even have friends who sleep better than I do. What's up with that?

Disregard what's up with that, what's up with me comparing my sleeping to other people? I seem to have hit a new depth of pitifulness. Oh dear. I'm human, that's what. Maybe one day I'll learn.

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