Thursday, April 25, 2013

What "Stuff You Should Know" inadvertently taught me.

The next time I talk about starting to follow a new podcast, please provide me with a cautionary word.

"Hey, Emily, you know when you decide to engage with something, you have a penchant for immersing yourself in it and not looking back until it's done. Are you prepared for that at this particular juncture? You might want to reconsider."

Or if you don't want to use quite so many words, four will suffice. Simply say, "Stuff You Should Know."

A few months ago, I once again became not only a computer owner, but also Windows user. Before then, I ran Linux Mint, and while I did learn much and knew I was capable of learning more, I never did carve out enough time to successfully navigate the learning curve. Many neglected parts of my relationship with technology stayed neglected as a result. But as soon as the sparkly new Windows 8 was downloaded, I was overjoyed at the impending reality of reconnecting to one certain cherished aspect of that relationship: podcasts.

Being the daughter of my father meant that I grew up listening to NPR. Couple that with my preference for audio over visual, and it becomes clear why podcasts became such an integral part of my life as soon as I discovered them 7 years ago. It felt like one of the greatest discoveries of my life, and helped seal my unending fondness for the Internet.

I put out a call on Facebook for suggestions of what podcasts to subscribe to. I'm aware of quite a few, and could quite easily listen to only those and be satisfied, but as I felt like this technological reunion symbolized a new start to my life (Yes, everyone, that is honestly how affectionate I am toward the Internet - so much that engaging with it again felt like a renewal in the manner of repairing a relationship with an estranged loved one. No one is more amused/appalled by this than me.), it seemed appropriate to find something new for my ears to hear. Among the suggestions I received was one "Stuff You Should Know." I trusted the judgment of the suggester, and was drawn by the title promising two of my favorite things, facts and knowledge, most importantly a variety of each. I scoped it out on iTunes, then clicked "subscribe" after a few moments of perusing.

A couple months (maybe 3?) pass and here we arrive to today, the day I finished every episode of "Stuff You Should Know." They've published something near 500 episodes. Much of my life has been on hold trying to make it through all of them. My spare moments have been devoid of music. Replacing that has been the dulcet tones of Josh Clark and Chuck Bryant. Bedtime reading has been all but forgotten. I pulled out a book to start reading, and it sat on my bed for weeks waiting to be opened. Since opening, it has been even more weeks and I've barely made it through enough to say I began. When not occupied by obligations, all my attention has been given to this catch-all informational bi-weekly modern radio show. I obviously felt like it was worth pursuing, or I would not have stayed the course, but by the end I was ready to exclaim, "Enough is enough!"

When the last episode ended this morning, I felt like a whole world of time was placed into my hands. I'm still breathing relief in deeply.

I do this with everything. I should know better. Maybe now I do.

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