Tuesday, January 8, 2013

You Can't Stop the Beat.

Whenever I happen to get online to do anything but read a coupon blog, it's usually at night. On most of those occasions, I also decide to listen to music.

I waste an unseemly lot of time on the Internet because I want to listen to music.

I check all the routine websites, sometimes a few more I've been meaning to investigate for a while, then I think, "I should stop this and go to bed. Or go read." Usually reading is my first option. Then another song comes on, and I refresh Facebook.

After that song..."Dude, I haven't heard this in a while. I miss this song." Or album. Or artist. So I easily talk myself into listening to that song. Which turns into an album. Then an artist's entire repertoire.

And Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest get a refreshing workout, while my friend Google tells me things I'm sure he never would have thought I'd want to know.

If I may back up for a second, the checking of the routine sites isn't over as quickly as one might think, either. I'm not a good passive music-listener. Therefore, as I'm trying to sift through email, before I progress much, I'm bobbing my head and staring into space with a look of transport on my face. Refocus, Emily. I do, then a minute later I'm lost again, this time adding hand gestures. Always. Yet I insist on setting up the same situation over and over again.

I'm hopeless.

Ideally, I'd rather be actively participating in this whole musical experience, but as it's usually somewhere south of midnight, I can't make any remarkable sounds lest I disturb the night's peace. So I sing below a whisper and click ad nauseum to try to convince myself I'm accomplishing something. How easily hoodwinked I am.

And here it is 2 AM again, at the end of 300 words it took me too long to write through a maze of punk rock and Christmas hymns, and I'm still trying to convince myself to press pause.

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