Sunday, February 21, 2010

We are a cathedral made of people.

One of the many things I have been grateful to the band downhere for is how many great people I've met. I've made friends, great friends. Thanks to the Internet, most of us can keep in touch on a regular basis. And find ways to make some of our more wild ideas become reality.

The message boards at is where we congregate, and a while back a group of us decided it would be fun to cover one of the band's songs. Even though we're spread over thousands and thousands of miles. So we did.

Here's the finished product. Recorded on less-than-state-of-the-art equipment from the east coast to the west by a bunch of people who don't get paid to make music for a living. Not too shabby, I think. At the very least, it was a lot of fun for us. And that was the whole point.

Downhomies performing downhere's Cathedral Made of People:


  1. Sounds great! What a perfect song for you guys to collaborate on!

  2. Very astute of you to pick up on that. That's one of the reasons we picked it.


I like conversation. Your comments promote conversation. You know what to do. Vielen Dank.