I have been MIA from my blog recently. I've almost been MIA from the Internet as a whole. But not quite. I've still been checking Facebook and Twitter every day, but my presence on even those two sites has been diminished. I can't remember the last time I checked my e-mail. That does not include my school e-mail. I've tried to make it a point to keep up with that, because I might miss something important. But other than that, I've not been engrossed in the Internet quite like I've been known to be.
So I wanted to give a quick update. While I had a brief moment. I've been busy with school like always. But I've also been busy doing something else...............
Sleeping. Yeah, that's what I said. Sleeping. Something has happened to me and I don't know what it is. I'm the girl who was always up well past midnight, who could function perfectly well with just a few hours of sleep....sometimes even with no sleep. But now I can't stay awake. I've been going to sleep before midnight most nights, sleeping all night, and it never fails that every afternoon I sleep for at least an hour. Usually two, sometimes even three. And even with that, I don't have a problem going to bed at night.
I never nap. Well, I never did nap before this. I don't like napping. I feel bad when I nap. I wish I wasn't napping every day, but like I really can't stay awake. If I was up doing something physical, I'd probably be able to stay awake, but I would just want to go to bed that much earlier. So that wouldn't work.
Not only is all this sleeping making me feel bad, I don't have time to do anything. I'm good if I make it through a whole day at school without falling asleep in class. And once I'm done with class for the day and it's time to do homework, forget about it. I read about 5 pages at most, and then I'm done. Until I wake up. And once I wake up, the afternoon is gone and the evening is here. Time for dinner, and then about two more hours before I'm good for nothing again and want to go to bed.
I haven't had that much homework lately. Which I've been thankful for. I should be able to get all of it done in a timely manner, but no......
I don't know what's going on. Whatever's happening, I don't know how much longer I can keep up. Well, I'm already not keeping up, but I've been giving the appearance of keeping up. So I'm not so sure how much longer I can keep up appearances.
Well, I have to get ready for school now. I should have already been getting ready, but I'm moving slowly. God, help me.
Your body is needing the rest. check your thyroid. Much love!