Happy Easter, to one and all!
Easter's always a good day for me. Besides the fact that there's an extra effort made to remember Jesus and the amazing things he did and the fact that he's alive, it's not really different than any other day. Jesus is still the same every other day of the year.
But somehow it always seems to feel like an extra special day. It's probably a mental thing.
But I know one reason why I have felt particularly good this Easter Sunday. And it has nothing to do with Easter. Nor does it have anything to do with the fact that I wore pink.
My last blog wasn't so chipper. I wrote it after having spent at least a month sleeping my life away, which is something that I never dreamed would even be possible for me to do. And I had no clue why.
I am happy to say that I didn't fall asleep today. Nor the two previous days. And I've stayed up late the past two nights. And I think I know why.
My doctor gave me some medication the last time I saw him that was supposed to help keep all my hair from falling out of my head and keep it from growing in places that I don't want it to grow, like my chin. He told me that there really weren't supposed to be any side effects, I just didn't need to take it if I was pregnant or potentially going to get pregnant. No fear there. So he gave me a bunch of samples and wrote me a prescription to fill after the samples ran out. Well, my samples ran out about a week ago, maybe a little longer. And I, nor my parents, have had any money to fill the prescription, so I haven't been taking it. So there's been time for all traces of it to work its way out of my system.
I think that's what was making me sleepy. And groggy when I wasn't actually asleep. It's the only explanation I can come up with. And it makes sense, that my sleepiness seems to have disappeared after I quit taking it. Nothing else that I know of has changed. So much for no side effects.
I'm hoping that my lack of napping will continue and prove my theory true. Or at least make it seem like the most likely option, because I probably can't prove it.
But anyway, I'm so glad I haven't slept my life away the past three days. Even though I'm still tired, I feel like I've regained so much energy. And cognitive ability. I'm amazed that I didn't fail every assignment given to me over the past month. I'm actually also amazed that I haven't failed all of the classes I've taken since I started college, but that's a different story for a different day. And it's a really good thing that I regained myself at this particular point in time. Because finals are almost here. And I have some big assignments due before finals. And I really need to start working on them. Two weeks ago. God is great, indeed.
Needless to say (I think), I won't be filling that prescription or taking anymore of that medication. I really dislike medicine, and this is precisely why. It's also why I rarely take any. I should have stuck to my guns when the doctor first mentioned taking something, and told him, "No. I'm not interested. So what if I'm bald in ten years and grow a beard."
Medicine is screwy! Glad you're feeling back to normal. There are alternatives-like homeopathy which tend to be less expensive in the long run and don't give you all the "extra" bonuses.