Bearing that in mind, I have further proof that I really have very little control of my life. And that I don't need to worry about anything. What's the proof?
The Internet went out at my house a little while ago. Which is part of the reason I haven't blogged in a bit.
But outside of blogging, the Internet was my gateway to research. What do I want to do with my life? What's available? How do I go about doing it? Without my car, it was really the only resource I had to feel like I was making any progress at all.
And it was taken away.
Okay, God. I guess I'll keep leaving this whole job finding situation up to you and I'll do something whenever I'm given leave to.
And speaking of being given leave, glory hallelujah, I'm hoping that moment will soon be here. Because as of today, I can now access the Internet at home again! And my parents just got their car insurance re-instated, so my dad doesn't have to drive my car anymore! So I have Internet AND a car. Life can't get much more exciting. (I say that both with a hint of sarcasm and with overwhelming sincerity. Tough times make you grateful for small things.)
Interestingly enough, though, just as we got the Internet back today and I start dreaming dreams of getting back on the research train, my dad finds out about a job (of the sheetrock hanging variety) he is going to need the whole family to help him with. So it seems that the VonHarmons will be working together for at least the next two days, if not three or four, and my job hunting/figuring out what to do with my life efforts will have to wait that much longer.
See? No control.
Jon Foreman is usually someone appropriate to quote in any circumstance, and these words, appropriate for this particular circumstance, seem to be the ones I come back to most often:
"Why should I worry?
Why do I freak out?
You know what I need
You know what I need
God knows what I need"
Yes, indeed.
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