I've seen suffering. Tragedy. As challenging as things have been in my life, I hear about other people every day who have to push through things much worse than I have ever experienced.
Because of all of the tragedy in the world, I often find myself thinking that it would be an insult to revel in something good. I really don't want to be a part of the team that just won the biggest game of the season, then celebrates, and leaves the other team watching on the side, feeling sad and defeated, victims of inconsiderate gloating.
In reality, though, it would be worse to not acknowledge when things are good. Because then the bad wins. When you're a part of the winning team, get excited. But don't forget that there are other people who didn't win. Listen to them. Care about them. And let them see your happiness. Happiness that has come not because you think you're something special, but because good exists, and should be celebrated, otherwise depression will overtake everything. People who are defeated need to see a ray of sunshine.
In that spirit, I feel right now like I want to enumerate to anyone who will listen all of the wonderful things I see around me and have experienced lately. I won't lie, my life is really exciting. Having known times that are far from exciting increases the value of these times exponentially.
But I can't do that right now. It's late. People are sleeping. I should be sleeping. To sit up for several more hours and type until my fingers tire would be ill-advised.
But I couldn't go to bed without saying something.
So here I am. I'm really happy. That's really all I have time to say, but I wanted to tell someone, and I'm glad you were here to listen. And you, just in case you forgot, please know that there is good in the world. Sometimes it's hard to see. I know that. I also that when I've been my saddest, I often just really needed to hear someone laugh. Please know that I'm smiling as I sit in front of my computer screen.
There is still hope.
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