My classmates in my Bible as Literature class and I were charged by our professor to write our own versions of Song of Solomon. Here is what I came up with. (I apologize in advance if it's not erotic enough for some of you. :) I tend to fall on the side of sentimentality.)
"Hey, love, you are perfect
Your hair makes me jealous
it puts my extended waves to shame
Your eyes sparkle like the Emerald City
they make my favorite color come alive
Your face is like home
like comfort after a long absence
Your lips are cocoa solids
redeeming white chocolate
Your arms are well-crafted melodies
scored with grace notes
Your body is a multi-layered song
enriched with harmony
Your legs are stories
cemented in the beauty of life
Your voice is reassurance
and you are everything I want
Friends, find this and devour it
Quaff this intoxicating love
Yet I implore you, sisters
Dare not inhale until it is sure!
You, love, who lives in the trees
my friends are seeking out your voice
let it come to my ears
Be swift, love
like a familiar tune
or a simple poem
wending its way to my heart"
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