I am now an official licensed driver. *pumps fist in the air*
I took my test today and obviously, I passed. I'm pretty excited. The novelty of driving is not what excites me. I could care less about driving for the sake of driving. If I didn't have to drive, then I don't think I would. No, what I am happy about is that no one has to drive me around anymore, nor does a licensed driver aged 21 or older have to sit next to me in the front passenger seat. If I need to go somewhere, I can and I don't have to inconvenience anyone else.
My brother is especially glad about this, because he is the one who has been driving me to school every morning. Every day, somewhere between 8:00 and 8:30 he has been getting a wake up call from me. Usually a chipper good morning (or Guten Morgen, if I'm feeling particulary German) accompanied with what time it is. And sometimes even a song. And I'm making myself out to be one of those bubbly morning persons. I'm really not. It's just that when I wake him up, I've already been awake for at least an hour if not longer. So I'm fully awake by then and have no problem singing songs and dancing a little jig. (Which I also often do. Not just in the morning.)
And now that I have the ability to drive to school, I am determined that I'm going to buy a bike and I'm going to ride it to school, erasing the need for a license and leaving my car at home. It will eliminate the hassle of parking. It will save on gas. It's good for the environment. And it's good for me, as far as health benefits go. So, I am praying for a bike. Hopefully that I'll find an inexpensive one and I'll have the money to buy one, but who knows what God will do. Someone may just walk up to my house and ask if anyone needs a bike. You never know.
My parents have been jesting all day about me driving everywhere now that I have the freedom to do so. But in reality, I don't know that I will. I assume that, besides school, the majority of the places I go will still be with my brother, because we just have a tendency to do everything together. And I don't see him sitting in the passenger seat all the time because 1.) he usually knows where he's going, whereas I don't and I'd have to be asking him where to go every few seconds, and 2.) he drives faster than I do. That may change, but I kinda doubt it. So I don't really expect my level of driving to increase much.
So with the fact that I don't care much for driving, and I want to ride a bike to school, and I probably won't get the opportunity to drive much with my brother in the car, I have absolutely no idea why I am as excited as I am. I'll just add it to the list of all the other things I don't understand about myself. It's quite long and quite amusing.
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