I have a paper due Friday for my Intro to Literary Studies class and I'm completely stuck. I don't even know where to begin. It's currently Tuesday night. So I have from now until when I go to bed Thursday night to finish it.
I'm trying really hard not to panic.
I won't get into all the details of the paper, because it's complicated, but I will just say that what I'm being asked to do is part of what's holding me up. But I think the biggest problem is the subject matter.
The paper is on "The Vagina Monologues" by Eve Ensler. If not the most, it is at least one of the most uncomfortable, awkward things I have ever read in my life. Parts of it were fine. I even laughed a couple of times while reading it. But on the whole, I found myself thinking, "I really don't want to be reading this." And if I don't want to read it, I really don't want to write about it.
We were informed on the first day that we would be reading "The Vagina Monologues" in class at some point and there was still time to withdraw if we were uncomfortable with the idea. I didn't think anything about it. I honestly was kinda curious about it, about what it would entail, what Eve Ensler would have to say. So I definitely wasn't opposed to the idea or the subject matter. But I had barely started reading it when I started thinking, "Okay, I really want to put this book down and never touch it again. And I wish I hadn't spent my money on it." Thankfully, it's very short, so it was not a time-consuming read. If it had been, I don't know what I would have done.
But I am still left with the challenge of writing about something I strongly dislike. I'm struggling to find something that I can objectively talk about, when all I really want to do is list all the things that bother me and why they bother me and how it could have been handled so much better.
I'm praying that inspiration will strike and clear thinking will prevail. Because I only have two days to do this. And technically not even that much, because I do have classes to go to and things to do during those two days. Not to mention the fact that I'm exhausted and feel like I've been half-asleep for over a week.
Lord, help me.
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