Sunday, January 25, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

I think my wondering in my last post may be coming true, because here I am posting another blog in the same night.

I just put this up on Facebook and thought I'd stick it here, too. Only I won't put all the rules about tagging and such, just the 25 random things I talked about. I hope it's informative. Enjoy.

1) Overall, I think I am one of the least vain people you will ever meet, but I love my hair. A lot. And I think I have a subconscious fear that one day my love of my hair is going to get me in trouble. Something about pride and falling comes to mind. I have a habit of falling and I don't particularly like it, so I don't really need or want any other reasons to do so.

2) Wearing shoes drives me nuts, but I'm still a girl and as such I have the tendency to like shoes. But that leads to me having shoes in my closet that I love to look at, but never wear. And I'm way too cheap and have too much common sense to buy shoes that I never wear. So I content myself with admiring them on other people's feet, at the store, and in other people's closets.

3) I want to take a road trip across the United States of America. I've only been to a handful of the states, and most of them have been in the South, so I'd like to see the sights and experience the widely diverse cultures of my home country. After that, I want to do the same thing in Canada and then head up to the last state I can get to by car, Alaska. I'd drive to Hawaii if I could.

4) I have a thing for's kinda weird. I know very little about it, but I'm strangely attracted to it. I'm quite pleased to be an American, but I think there's a part of me that would rather be a Canadian. Maybe I can be an honorary Canadian. That would be cool. I'll have to go there first.

5) Accents fascinate me. I have a strange one because it changes so much. I don't know why it happens, but my accent will change in mid-sentence. And I cover the spectrum. I think I generally have a pretty neutral American accent, but my Southern comes out sometimes. And I also tend to favor a touch of Canadian. Hmmm...I wonder why....

6) Language, and by extension words, also fascinate me. I like knowing where words come from, their structure, how people use them, the different shades of meaning they carry, how they are put together to construct a sentence and convey ideas...I can't get enough. And I'm currently learning German and I've been having a blast digging into these same concepts in a brand new language. Maybe I'll be fluent one day and I can call myself bilingual. How cool would that be?

7) I assume because of my love of words, spelling is one of my favorite things to do. I was asked to create a superhero for an activity in Sunday School once, and it was a girl of course, and one of her superpowers was infallible spelling. I am such a geek.

8) I like kids. Very much. And I tend to like things that kids like. Here are a few examples: my favorite books are the ones in the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling; I don't watch much TV, but half the time when I do turn it on, I watch Disney Channel; I think the Jonas Brothers are cool; speaking of Disney, I like all things Disney not just the television station...most of my favorite movies are Disney movies; I can sing VeggieTales with the best of them, and I even have a VeggieTales poster on my wall.

9) My eating habits even reflect that of a child. Some time ago, I would not have said that I was a picky eater, and regardless of whether I was or not, I have become one. There is a very small spectrum of foods that I like to eat and most of it can be categorized as "little kid food." I do not have sophisticated tastes at all. In fact, I tend to want to avoid nice restaurants because I just don't like what they have to offer. I'd much rather go to McDonalds and get some McNuggets. Or Chick-Fil-A and get a chicken sandwich. Or a Burger King chicken sandwich. Can you tell I like chicken?

10) I also like cereal. It is by far my favorite food. I have become accustomed to eating at least one bowl a day. Usually for breakfast, but sometimes for dinner, maybe lunch. Sometimes I even eat it for two meals a day, today being an example of that. I had Honey Comb for breakfast and dinner. Wanna know what I had for lunch? Baked beans and Wavy Lays. And then I ate some birthday cake. My eating habits even sound strange to me, so I'm sure they sound strange to you.

11) I eat spaghetti with a spoon. I eat pancakes with a spoon. I eat most things with a spoon, because I just like spoons. Forks are alright, but they're too pointy. Spoons are nice and round and much more aesthetically pleasing and don't injure my mouth.

12) I don't normally give much thought to automobiles, but there are two that I really want. I want a VW Bus. Preferably one where the windows in the front that comprise the windshield open slightly. And I want it to be green. Bright green. I also want a VW Bug. I haven't really decided if I want a new one or old one. If I get a new one, I can get a convertible. But I'd be pleased with either one. And I want it to be orange. Bright orange. A dream that may come true one day, but I'll be fine if it doesn't.

13) I'm completely clumsy. My most serious injuries have been the results of falling, which I have done many times in my life.

14) I think my clumsiness explains how messy I am at times. I tend to do just about everything in a messy fashion. I can't seem to escape it. I do clean up afterward, but as long as I'm trying to get something done, I've had to learn to content myself with the fact that I am going to make a mess.

15) I mentioned my common sense earlier, and usually with common sense comes things like practicality and level-headedness, and I possess those as well. So it's probably more surprising to me than anyone else how much I have come to love the band downhere. It goes quite against my nature. I have become a self-proclaimed fangirl. It was very off-putting at first and still is at times. I was not aware that I was capable of being a fangirl before this happened. But apparently I am. I tend to make weird faces when I listen to them, mostly of a smiling nature. And I make weird noises, most commonly squealing ones. Oh, and these guys are all from Canada.....

16) I'm a big sap. The strangest things will make me cry as well as the least strange things. For me to go a week without crying is all but unheard of. And I'm always surprised that I don't do it around people any more than I do, because I frequently feel my eyes start to burn and get a little misty, but most of the time it stops there and people don't notice that I just about had a breakdown. I don't mind people witnessing me break down, but I figure it probably makes them more uncomfortable than it does me, so for their sakes, I'm glad it doesn't happen all the time.

17) I've toyed with the idea of not having a TV when I move out on my own, because I have better things to do and I figure it'll just take up space and collect dust from a lack of use.

18) I really and truly have to sing. I do like doing it, but I think that even if I didn't like doing it and thought I sounded terrible all the time, I would still have to do it. When I go for extended periods of time without singing, I can tell in that I feel really bad and I feel like something's missing. I feel as if I've been holding my breath and I need to get air or I'll die. That sounds really dramatic and almost makes me want to erase it, but it's true. I guess no one can avoid drama, even the ones most devoted to escaping it, such as myself.

19) I have weird eyes. In my opinion. They're very, very small and set deeply into my face. I think they make me look pretty lazy-eyed and tired a lot of the time because I can't open them any wider. If a person's eyes are bright, it makes them seem much brighter. Mine are definitely not bright.

20) I don't know this to be a fact, but I have a feeling that my quietness leads people to assume that I'm afraid to say certain things and that I'm easily embarrassed, but both of those things are not the case. I'll talk about just about anything under the sun and I'm not afraid to say things that sound kinda odd, and there are few things about myself that I will not be willing to share with anyone. I just don't speak much or volunteer much information. I usually have to be prompted to say something. And I have absolutely no problem with making a fool myself. I do it daily because I am such an awkward person, so if I was ever inclined to be embarrassed, I got over it a long time ago.

21) Speaking of 21, that is the age I will be on my next birthday. That doesn't seem right. Wasn't I 4-years-old last week? This whole aging thing is strange.

22) My taste in music is quite eclectic. I like a wide-variety of music spanning across all genres and styles. Everything under the sun is a fitting description.

23) When I'm focusing on something or concentrating or something along those lines, I make a weird face. I tend to look either angry or intense or upset or bored, and I have a habit of being really short with people. A friend of mine thought that I got mad at him out of the blue one time. I really don't mean to do it, and I try to make a conscious effort not to. Just know that I'm not the type to get mad, so if I ever start acting strange that's probably why. I apologize.

24) I've been told before that I am one of the most self-assured, confident people ever and that really threw me off, because confidence is not something I equate with myself. As I mentioned earlier, I'm a really awkward person and that combined with my personality leads me to feel like I rarely ever do anything in a confident manner. But I do live in my awkwardness and quirkiness and have embraced who I am. And I'm comfortable in my own comfortable as one can be while feeling awkward. So I guess that's self-assurance and perhaps confidence. The jury's still out on that one, though.

25) My favorite movie is The Wizard of Oz. And I haven't watched it in a really long time. Years, I think. I need to do something about that. If anyone else likes The Wizard of Oz and would like to watch it with me, let me know and we can get together and have a movie night.

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