Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Good news! I didn't break anything (completely, anyway) and I don't have to have surgery! The latter fact makes me very happy, because I thoroughly dislike surgery.

I found out that I tore a ligament and a tendon. I will be getting a brace sometime over the next two days which, I think, will make it easier to walk. I will be wearing the brace anywhere from two weeks to ten weeks, depending on how long it takes everything to heal. After that, my doctor wants me to have some physical therapy. So I'm going to be limping around for a while.

I will be missing school tomorrow, but I should be able to go Friday. I don't know whether to be happy about that, or not. Sure, I don't have to go to class, but I still have just as much work to do. And to do that work, being in class would be beneficial. But I'll take things the way they are.

I also filed an accident report today with campus police. We're hoping that they'll pay for all of this, since it happened on campus, inside a building, in a high-traffic area, that shouldn't have had a pool of water on the floor.

If I were to try to say at least one positive thing about this whole experience, it's made me laugh. Today, while limping in to see the doctor, I told my brother that I felt like a pirate. All I needed was an eye patch and a parrot, maybe a hook, and I would have been set. Too bad it wasn't Halloween.

1 comment:

  1. You crack me up!! I hate this for you b/c I know how aggrevating it is. I think you get your accident prones from me. Love ya!!

    Aunt Pam


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